Home of Compilation Albums

This page deals with all the compilation albums and sampler records on CD and vinyl of Rock and Pop music, and designed to provide collectors with useful information about their contents and a visual reminder (picture) of what the album looks like. You may find it useful when you search a specific album at flea markets and/or record shows....

Important Note: I'm not selling any of these albums! All requests from people who like to buy one or the other sampler from me are senseless! So don't even ask!

There's now an alphabetical lists of artists available to help you finding the specific albums your interpret of choice is memorized.

Compilation Albums:
Compilations released by companies as advertising gift:
Compilations sold with magazines:

[home]        [index artists]        [e-mail]        Created: 17.09.2000        Last update: 13.10.2001

The big note: Like most of you I, too, have a regular life and have to go to work each day, so do not expect updates on a daily basis, nor a prompt reply to e-mails. Just give me a little bit of time. And then there's always the question of violation of copyrights. If you think that my pages contain material which I'm not allowed to include because of its protected status, please drop me an e-mail, and I will remove the doubtful parts. On the other hand I regard all material within my pages as protected by copyright laws, too, so please ask before you steal. I'm sure we can work something out.